Your website’s performance will depend on the hosting package you choose. Everything can seem overwhelming when you look at website hosting packages. There are many options and pricing options available for different packages. How do you decide which package is right for you? Let’s now look at how shared hosting vs dedicated hosting compare.
Shared Servers
A shared server hosts your data and applications, as well as data belonging to other individuals or businesses. You pay a certain amount for shared hosting. This means that you get a fixed amount of bandwidth and disk space. You will generally pay more for additional bandwidth and server space if you use more than your allowed usage.
Sometimes, shared servers are also known as “shared hosting.” This means that your digital assets (data and applications) use some of the server’s space. The hosting provider may offer management services, such as firewalls or other security, as well as technical updates and maintenance.
Definition of Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is one of the most commonly used hosting packages. It is where thousands of websites can be stored and hosted simultaneously on one server. Shared hosting is similar to renting or living in an apartment. Everyone can use the common amenities of the apartment complex. By signing an apartment contract, you agree to share the parking lot, playground, swimming pool, and parking lot. This also applies to shared hosting. The resources shared by all users are equal. Each user has a limit on the resources they can use. These amenities are CPU usage, disk space, and memory.
Dedicated Servers
A dedicated server is a computer server that only houses the applications and data of your company. It does not share any space with other individuals or organizations. Cloud hosting companies typically own, deploy, and manage dedicated servers. This gives you the opportunity to have your own server with no need for maintenance or security.
Managed dedicated servers provide the same functionality as in-house servers but are managed by an independent provider. To access your data and applications, you can log in as a user to your private server account over the internet.
Definition of Dedicated Hosting
Dedicated server hosting is different from shared hosting in the sense that all resources are yours. All the server disk space and resources belong to you. Hosting dedicated is like owning a home. There are no restrictions on who can use your backyard, driveway, or swimming pool.
Dedicated hosting offers the same advantages. No resources are shared, and your website is only supported. This gives you the freedom and flexibility to configure and install custom software as well as manage the overall resources of your website. Dedicated server hosting requires all maintenance and updates to be completed for your server.
Pros & Cons of Shared Hosting Servers
There are many advantages and disadvantages to shared hosting vs dedicated hosting, depending on your business’s needs.
Some of the pros of a shared server include:
- It is less expensive. Sharing a computer server with others may result in a lower cost than if you leased a dedicated server. Each person who uses the same amount of bandwidth and space on the server splits the cost of maintaining and operating it.
- No technical knowledge is required. The hosting company usually provides technical updates, maintenance, security, and support for your shared server.
Some of the cons of a shared server are:
- Resources are limited. You do not have access to all the resources of the shared server. Instead, you can host your own applications and data on the shared server.
- There is less speed and less response time. It is possible that your applications or data access will be slower if you share the machine.
- There may be additional charges. If your company exceeds its allotted use, you might owe more.
Pros & Cons of Dedicated Servers
Research suggests that dedicated servers may have the following pros:
- There are usually no restrictions on your resources. Your use of disk space or bandwidth is typically limited or eliminated by sharing a server with others.
- There are faster response times and better speed. No other organizations share server capacity so your applications and data may be more responsive.
- No technical knowledge is required. Professional cloud hosting providers typically manage dedicated servers. This means that you and your staff won’t have to worry about technical maintenance.
- Your hosting provider can create secure backups of your mission-critical data. They can keep your data safe in case of a disaster. They can perform regular server backups and keep them available and accessible.
- You can enjoy a higher level of security. Just make sure you get a hosting provider that offers two-factor authentication.
A dedicated server could have the following cons:
- It’s slightly more expensive. Your business may have a dedicated server that it uses, which means you will pay more than if your server was shared with other businesses. However, the higher cost will bring greater value: speed, flexibility, and access to more resources.
Is a Dedicated Server Hosting Worth It?
Although dedicated hosting has many advantages over shared hosting, it does have one drawback: the higher price. But if you can reap the many benefits of dedicated hosting vs shared hosting for your business, the extra value will be well worth it.
Shared hosting allows multiple users to share resources. Instead of having all the computing power available on a remote server for your company and employees, you split that power. This means you lose the potential for maximum performance and quick access to critical data.
For smaller businesses and those with less capital, shared hosting may be an option. However, if your primary goal is to get the best performance from your private server, a dedicated server can give you the greatest return on your investment.
Upgrading to a Dedicated Server
Rilvalhost can help your business benefit from dedicated server hosting. Hosting with us will bring you many benefits, including a fully managed dedicated server, affordable rates, and security for your data and critical applications.
We provide secure and fast access for businesses to their data and applications via dedicated servers. We provide 24/7 managed support through live chat, support desk, and phone to ensure your business runs smoothly as part of managed dedicated server hosting.